WP 4 - Recommendations, Guidelines and Communication

WP4 leader: Sylvie Issanchou
Institut National de la Recherche Agronoique - INRA - France
E-mail: Sylvie.Issanchou@dijon.inra.fr


  • to set up and maintain the project dissemination and communication tools
  • to disseminate scientific results to the wider scientific community
  • to elaborate guidelines for stakeholders and communicate them widely
  • to elicit feedback and input from all stakeholders on the project results and in particular the guidelines

Work breakdown

  • Task T4.1: HabEat Communication
  • Task T4.2: Dissemination of scientific results
  • Task T4.3: Drawing up and validating guidelines for stakeholders


  • D2: HabEat Website (M3)
  • D6: Stakeholder workshop (M23)
  • D19: Recommendations in parental practices for promoting healthier food habits in infant and children (M44)
  • D20: Guidelines for policy makers and stakeholders on the advice to communicate to different target populations to promote the formation of good food habits for infants and children, and strategies for habit breaking (M44)
  • D21: 14 publications submitted to peer review journals (M46)
  • D22: HabEat symposium (M47)